How and Why to Eat Clean as a Busy Mom in 3 Easy Steps

How and Why to eat clean as a busy mom by online fitness instructor Savage Wellness | giving up on diet

Moms are BUSY. We are also happily sacrificing ourselves (and our sanity!) to take care of everyone around us. So when it comes to finding a healthy routine, often we feel short on time or we can’t be f*&$#ed to put in effort to choose salads over fries long enough to have a lasting affect on our waistline.

A whole 30 or any fad diet comes with too many rules, too much restricting, and feels devoid of all joy, so we just don’t do it. We have more important things to focus on. Any anything else that doesn’t spark joy in our lives gets tossed aside.

Maybe you’ve tried a Whole 30 or a cleanse diet and loved how you felt but once you finished, all rules went out the window and you ended up right back where you started (and then some!).

Or, if you’re like me, you tried it for a few days, then poured yourself a bottle of wine, fixed yourself a cheese plate, and went to town.

How and Why to eat clean as a busy mom by online fitness instructor Savage Wellness | Mom drinking wine

While it feels daunting because of all the branded diets out there that are riddled with dos and don’ts, clean eating is actually an amazing tool for creating a simple approach to an effective and sustainable healthy lifestyle. But your approach is key. So I’m giving you my 3 tips to creating a simple, clean nutrition plan that fits easily into your busy mom life.

But before we get in to the HOWs, I want to let you in on the WHYs. Incase you’ve already decided you’d rather not clean up your diet, or you don’t need to, check out why you might want to reconsider:


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  • Eating a good variety of foods ensures you get adequate amounts of most essential nutrients to keep your body satiated and your stress hormones level. .

  • Whole foods keep you satisfied longer so your body will actually be less enticed by junk foods.

  • Relying on whole foods is the best way to get a good combination of micronutrients - again, to keep you feeling good all day long with out any dips and dives that have you reaching for comfort foods or quick energy..

  • Foods high in micronutrients can help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar.

  • Whole foods help keep your digestive system regular.

  • Eating a healthy diet makes you stronger so you can stay more active. It will also do wonders for your sleep quality!

  • Avoiding artificial ingredients keeps your cells strong so your body systems work efficiently and you are less likely to get knocked out by a virus. .

  • If you feel good, you’re more likely to take care of yourself in other ways. You will build that Savage MOMENTUM!

Ok, so I’m hoping you’re sold on it now! Once you also establish your healthy baseline and you decide you’d like to kick it up a notch with a Whole 30 or Cleanse diet for a bit, you’ll have a solid understand of what you need to return to so you can keep those results in your current of healthy living!


How and Why to eat clean as a busy mom by online fitness instructor Savage Wellness | stressed mom
  1. Rather than starting and stopping a short term intensely structured program, let yourself ease in. Get rid of that all or nothing mindset, and just like we’ve talked about with our fitness routine, remember that every small choice is a step in the right direction. Build the momentum, stay consistent, and you’ll create the sustainable change and mindfulness you’re looking for.

    Instead of diving in head first, start by making all the clean swaps you can. For the things you use or love regularly, find versions that are free of food dyes, preservatives and processed sugars and wheat. It may not be 100% “clean,” but it’s a whole lot better than the alternative you’ve been relying on!

    Organize your cooking, shopping and meal prep schedule to allow for whole food based recipes and choices. Fruits, veggies, and proteins that are as close to their natural state as possible. This way, you’ve got a great foundation to your days and weeks. Add to that the more processed, but still nutrient dense swaps you’ve made and you’re on your way to a much healthier nutrition intake without too many changes to your daily and weekly routines.

  2. Eat consistently throughout the day. As we go for long stretches without food and waiting until the hunger builds to a point of un bearable, we’re adding a lot of stress to our bodies and as that cortisol floods our system, we begin looking for comfort foods and quick energy (sugar).

    So our cravings overpower our brains to help regulate our hormones and our decision making abilities go out the window. Eat small nutrient dense meals and snacks every 2-3 hours and you’ll keep your blood sugar levels and cortisol in check and you’ll be in the driver’s seat of your choices and not at the mercy of unhealthy cravings.

    Prep that shnizz, mama! Make a plan, carry food based bars in your purse so you have something if you find yourself needing it. When you prep your kid’s snacks or lunches, prep yours, too! It’s not much extra work and it will give you tons of freedom and relief to know you’ve got a plan.

  3. Decrease sugar intake. Similarly, we want to keep that blood sugar level throughout the day to keep your mindfulness on point so you can make the choices you want to be making. If you decide you want to have a sugary treat, make sure to get in a nutrient dense food at the same time so your body can continue to feel nourished an satiated.

    I also have my clients wait until late afternoon or after the kids go down to have the treat that is calling to you. Make it a reasonable portion size and really sit and enjoy it. You’ve made the choice to have it, so own that choice and enjoy the indulgence. At these times, you’ll be having dinner imminently, or you’ve just had a meal and are going to bed soon so you don’t have to worry about a wonky blood sugar level to drive poor nutritional choices.

So the basic idea is do what you can, when you can. Stay consistent in any small way you can, celebrate your healthy choices, and you’ll see some big results! We are moms so we know the months can fly by. Don’t worry about the quickest way to “get healthy,” focus on staying consistent and you’ll get there sooner than you may realize!

And if you’re wondering what exactly a clean eating diet looks like, here are some basic ground rules. You’ve got this, mama! Check out my online fitness, nutrition and wellness programs or my 1:1 coaching and accountability packages if you need any help!


How and Why to eat clean as a busy mom by online fitness instructor Savage Wellness | clean eating meal

Eat whole foods: Whole foods are foods that haven’t been tampered with, in the lab or the manufacturing plant. Whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.

Avoid processed foods: Processed foods are any food that has a label. A label means that more than one ingredient was used to make that food. You don’t have to eliminate all processed foods (like whole grain pasta or natural cheeses), but if you can’t pronounce an ingredient on a label, don’t put that food in your shopping basket.

Eliminate refined sugar: We've been working on this one! Refined sugar provides nothing but calories. 

Eat five or six small meals a day: By eating smaller meals throughout the day you can help rev up your metabolism and reduce the chance that you’ll eat some Funyuns rather than that whole grain cracker with nut butter and strawberries. 

While you may enjoy that huge meal at the end of a day of barely eating, the goals here is to never get so hungry that you feel deprived. Staying consistent with your food will keep your body feeling great, reducing your stress hormone, Cortisol (which is responsible for belly fat and poor sleep), and all that anxiety and negative thinking will also quiet down.

How and Why to eat clean as a busy mom by online fitness instructor Savage Wellness | Mom cooking healthy  food with kid

Cook your own meals: Instead of buying meals in a box, cook meals from scratch. Again, it’s not as hard as it sounds! A little chopping and sautéing makes satisfying, delicious meals your family will love. Check my Pinterest boards for ideas!

Combine protein with carbs: When you do snack or eat a meal, make sure that meal is balanced. For the most satisfaction from your diet, and so you’ll be less tempted to eat junk food, combine protein with carbs or carbs and fat. This simple act will fuel your body and quash hunger pangs.