3 Ways to Get in Your Workouts During The Busy Holiday Season

I don't know about you but my days and weeks just keep getting busier and busier! School events for the kids, holiday travel and parties to plan around, sick days, birthday parties galore for the kids, and add to that budgeting and shopping for holiday gifts!

As I'm working on getting it all done AND slowing down and focusing on one thing at a time (my new mantra to keep me from spreading myself too thin), I thought I'd share with you my favorite ways to sneak your healthy habits into these busy days.

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This is the first in a three part series - this week we’re diving into your workouts and next week and the week after I’ll be sharing tips for your nutrition and wellness during this busy time of year:

Part 1, Your workouts:

This one is important for a healthy life (obvs) and it's often the thing we either decide to skip altogether when the day is too busy, or we keep pushing it back until it's been weeks since any exercise has been done! So here's how we busy moms do:

1. Make a plan -

3 ways to workout when busy by online fitness instructor, Savage Wellness;  Calendar to use to plan your workouts

This may seem like a DUH! point, but if you think you’re already planning, but can’t seem to make it happen, you may not be doing it right so listen up.

Give yourself a plan and goals for the week. You want to get in 3 workouts? Ok, what will those be? When will they be? How long do you want to spend? Put them on your calendar and make them happen.

Okay, but we also know mom life is unpredictable so why schedule it when it's constantly changing? By scheduling your workouts in, you will keep your goal in mind. So if a day comes when you can't get your workout done, take that time instead (just a few minutes) to sit and figure out where to put it back on your schedule. Find a place for it and make it happen. Stay on track.

Or if you don't have the hour you planned for, maybe you have 20? Do those 20 and you'll have gotten in much more than you would have if you skipped it. And you'll feel great and keep that momentum going. Which leads to the next point...

2. Keep it small -

Going from no workouts to 3 hour and a half workouts per week won't be easily sustainable. So start by giving yourself small frequent workouts to build your momentum and start getting your mind and body ready for a more active lifestyle.

Give yourself a 2 minute circuit to do every day - like 20 alternating lunges, 20 squats, 20 push-ups against a counter (or couch or coffee table), and 20 mountain climbers against a counter.

Another option is to get yourself outside walking more every day, even if it's just a few minutes here and there as you choose to park farther away or walk places you usually drive. A walking date with a friend or for a meeting are also great ways to get in some extra activity.

Doing something small consistently will not only lead to bigger results than you might imagine, but it will create a shift in how you think about your days and your lifestyle and get you building the momentum you need to keep adding to your efforts.

Similarly, if you have a few workouts planned and you miss any or all of them, you'll know that you've at least been doing SOMETHING consistently and that is something to be proud of and will keep you moving in the direction you want to be going.

3. Get the kids on board -

Get moving with the kids! You can either create an activity that gets everyone moving like a walk or a bike ride vs. a board game or legos, or you can move while they are entertained in other ways. If you get the kids walking, use the slow pace or frequent stops they love to make to do some walking lunges or push-ups against a nearby bench.

3 ways to workout when busy by online fitness instructor, Savage Wellness; Shannon working out with her kids at the park

Pro-tip: If they're at the playground, you've got a great place to do some step-ups, some incline push-ups and mountain climbers and whatever else you want - bring a resistance band and really dive into a workout!

I also like to whip out things I know will keep the kids entertained for a while and grab a workout next to them. Paints and play-dough or other types of sensory play are good for this. And, I'll admit, screen time is a great one ;)

Give yourself some exercises to do while they’re playing or follow one of mine (subscribe to my Youtube Channel!) and understand that the kids may interrupt you for help -- and that's OK!

They also may be curious about what you're doing and want to join -- and that's OK, too! Explain what you're doing, let them join in and even let them pick some exercises. It's a great way to get in your workouts and set an example for your little sponges. 

There you have it! Get moving, mama! There are so many ways to do it if you look at it a bit differently from LBK (life before kids)! Come back next week to get all the awesome info you need to keep your nutrition on track as life gets busier and full of more and more sweets!

Want some help strategizing and/or need some - ok a lot - of accountability? Check out my online programs and 1:1 coaching and accountability packages here!