Pregnancy and Birth

  • Prenatal Vitamins: Prenatal yogi, Chelsea (you can see some of her classes below!), of Yoyuu Yoga loves this link

Classes and workshops:

This hour long class will help strengthen and stretch your body and mind as you prepare for labour and motherhood. 1 bolster, 1 blanket, 2 blocks, 1 strap recommended.

This 20 minute practice will help you to connect with your throat chakra. Vocalizing can be a great way to move through the waves of labor. Learn techniques to support you on your journey into motherhood. Suggested props: Bolster, two blocks, blanket.

This 20 minute practice is designed to help you focus your mind and move through strong sensation. Holding poses for the same length as a 90 second contraction- you will finish this practice with greater confidence surrounding your birth.

If you are feeling fatigue in your day, you may need to let go of energy that is no longer serving you. Let it go.... and refresh. You will need two blocks and a blanket for this practice
This 20 minute practice will give you tools for labor, and will work to strengthen your arms for baby holding. You will need a yoga strap (or a belt/ piece of rope) and a blanket or cushion for extra support while seated. If at any time you need to switch your leg position- listen to your body!

Suitable for both pre and postnatal mamas- this 7 minute video is designed to get you moving. When you feel as if you do not have enough time in your day to practice- take a few minutes at your sink- light a candle, breath, stretch, and rejuvenate.

This prenatal class is designed to help strengthen your legs in preparation for labor. Strengthen your body, and gain confidence in your power. A blanket recommended.
In this 20 minute prenatal yoga class you will stretch out your body and make more room for baby.

Midwives were delivering babies at home for thousands of years until the introduction of Obstetrics in the late 1800s. In present day, Americans are seeing a resurgence in home births and midwifery. Listen in on how Marilee Pinkleton, owner of Heartsong Midwifery, shares her experience delivering hundreds of babies and what important advice she has to share with families. For more info on this video series, check out Khyati Desai-Seltzer, CEIM, CIMI and her website:

This video is by Savage Wellness with an interview with midwife, Maeve Sundstrom of Redwood Midwifery ( , about coping with the pain of labor. She walks me through her breathwork and guided imagery so you can follow along. It's a great resource for anyone dealing with chronic pain, too! Join us as we discuss and practice coping skills!